Community Rules (Code of Conduct)

A sodality is "a group of persons joined together for some common interest" or "an organized society or fellowship." Well, in this sodality we are Storytellers who are joined together in the common interest of writing books, growing in our writing craft, and receiving and giving support to others who seek to do the same.

In order to keep the group both helpful and supportive for everyone involved, we have some basic community rules for Storytellers such as yourself to follow:

  1. Always be kind and respectful. Enough said.
  2. Give more than you take. Trust me, the more you comment on other people's posts and engage with others in the community, the more you will ultimately get out of being a part of The Sodality.
  3. Keep in mind that everyone's stories/journeys are different. Restrain yourself from jumping to quick assumptions and conclusions about others in this group and leave space to actually learn about and from each other.
  4. All journeys to publication are accepted here. There is no "best" way to publish a book. If you are pursuing traditional publishing for your novel, we are here to support you! If you are self-publishing your books, awesome! If you are uncertain what your publishing goals are, no worries! Let's just all become better writers together.
  5. Please add content warnings (CW) or trigger warnings (TW) to your posts and comments as appropriate. Example: "CW: Mention of rape" or "TW: Explicit intercourse." If you don't understand why we are requesting this, please refer to Community Rule #4.

Abide by this short list and you won't run afoul of the Moderators! If you have any questions or concerns about the rules or interactions in this group, please do not hesitate to DM Katie Wall or Andrew Wall, or email [email protected].

NOTE: If you do violate one of the above rules, you will receive a reminder. This is a community that aims to be one that is full of grace in how we deal with each other and that also applies to violations within reason. Everyone makes mistakes. However, if you consistently violate the above rules despite received reminders and warnings, you will be unceremoniously booted from The Sodality of Storytellers.